Career Day
The project was completed over ten weeks at Florida Atlantic University.
Though the research, UX, and UI design were completed by myself. I received valuable feedback from my instructor and classmates. Career information on the internet is vague and varies from site to site. The purpose of Career Day is to connect entry-level professionals directly with experienced professionals who can provide mentorship and insight on the day-to-day of the role they are currently looking to pursue. Career Day will also offer users the chance to search for careers based on the skills they currently possess.
Detail-Oriented Anita
Anita was created based on the early stages of user research and was kept front of mind during the entire design process. The users tested were in their early twenties to mid-thirties, and one thing they all had in common is they liked to research new job opportunities in-depth before applying to and/or accepting a new position.
Using the persona and information from user surveys and interviews a storyboard was created. The storyboard helped to display the problem and brainstorm potential solutions while also helping to empathize with the user. Once I was able to empathize with the user I was able to begin sketching some ideas and creating wireframes.
Once the data from the research was analyzed, it was time to create the style guide and the prototype.
I wanted a corporate look that the user could trust but also wanted the app to exude energy and excitement for the possibility of a new career.
The main features that set Career Day apart from other apps are the ability to search for careers based on skills and the ability to connect with experienced professionals for mentorship.
Based on the user research I wanted to make sure it was easy to navigate to these features and also provide access to the most requested career information (education requirements, pay scale, skills required, and mentors in the field) to eliminate the need to search through multiple sites.